Introducing Real-Time Air Particle ID for Climate Controlled Solutions
The Problem
According to the EPA, most Americans on average, spend approximately 80 percent of their time indoors, where the concentrations of some pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than typical outdoor concentrations. What's more, air handling related manufacturers currently do not identify air particles in their filters for their customers.
Primary Industries Supported
Identifying molds, pests, and other debris captured in indoor gardens and animal farms can help identify air filtered data to react faster to adapting to new methods that maximize yields. Reseller user-license fee and agreement applies.
Product Specific
From aerospace to the latest high performance data servers,
manufacturers that include air filtration systems as part of their product can add their own Air Particle ID data via their customer support and maintenance programs. Manufacturer user-license fee and reseller agreement applies.
Air Handling
Air handling manufacturers can integrate their own user apps to our data so residential and commercial customers can view the types of air particles they breath in their environment. The customer will have an option to send their data to their healthcare provider. Manufacturer user-license fee and reseller agreement applies.
Strategic Partners
We're interested in developing unique opportunities with industry leaders in:
Climate Solutions
Computer Vision / Optics
Cloud / SaaS / Server
Filter & Filter Frame
3D Printer Manufacturers
AI Solutions (image recognition)
Our module database integration is offered for companies that already have their own AI platforms built. We support both open AI and closed AI "vector" database networks.
Offering new revenue strategies for climate solution brands and their dealer channels. Design-build new air-filtered AI data networks or integrate your existing AI platform.
BioNAV® is currently aligning relations with leading AI methodology experts, database management developers, and hi-tech manufacturers to attract
best-of-breed ethical strategic partners. Contact us about how you would like to partner with us.
In the News:
Selected as one of the Top-30 Innovators to present (poster) at the American Thoracic Society 2024 global conference in May. Manufacturers interested in becoming a licensed partner contact us at